User Pinned – Truth Troop Engagement - Rewarded Tue, 02 Aug 2022 04:28:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 User Pinned – Truth Troop 32 32 The Earth Just Started Spinning Faster Than Ever Before And Scientists Don’t Know Why Tue, 02 Aug 2022 03:46:05 +0000 The Earth Just Started Spinning Faster Than Ever Before And Scientists Don’t Know Why Authored by Elijah Cohen via, The Earth recently completed a rotation faster than ever...]]>

The Earth Just Started Spinning Faster Than Ever Before And Scientists Don’t Know Why

Authored by Elijah Cohen via,

The Earth recently completed a rotation faster than ever before at 1.59 millisecond under 24 hours, and the consequences for how we keep time have experts around the world alarmed.

It could be the first time in world history that global clocks will have to be sped up.

“This would be required to keep civil time—which is based on the super-steady beat of atomic clocks—in step with solar time, which is based on the movement of the Sun across the sky,” Time and Date reported.

Scientists don’t know what is causing our planet to spin faster than ever before, but some experts fear it could be “devastating,” while others speculate the shorter days could be related to climate change, of course.

Earth is spinning faster than it has in the last half-century, igniting a fiery debate about what we should do to keep the world on track.

— Seeker by The Verge (@Seeker) July 30, 2022

⏰ If it feels like there is never enough time in the day, there may be a reason.

Earth experienced its shortest day since records began last month

— The Telegraph (@Telegraph) July 31, 2022

Since the Earth’s rotation has always largely been slowing down throughout time, atomic clocks have thus far only added positive leap seconds to keep up. 27 leap seconds have been needed to keep atomic time accurate since the 1970s.

However, it just emerged that on June 29, the Earth recorded its shortest day since scientists began using atomic clocks to measure its rotation, in what was only the latest of speed records set for our planet since 2020. It even came close again more recently on July 26, having completed a rotation in 1.5 milliseconds under 24 hours.

Spinning faster: Earth has recorded its shortest day since scientists began using atomic clocks to measure its rotational speed.
Why is this happening? We check the latest numbers:

📷: ©

— (@timeanddate) July 27, 2022

“A negative leap second would mean that our clocks skip one second, which could potentially create problems for IT systems,” the Time and Date website warned.

Meanwhile, Meta warned in a blog post last month that adding a negative leap second could have consequences for smartphones, computers and communications systems.

Citing Meta’s blog, the Independent reported that the leap second would “mainly benefits scientists and astronomers” but that it is a “risky practice that does more harm than good.”

Meta also warned that by adding a negative leap second, clocks will change from 23:59:58 to 00:00:00, and that this could have an unintended “devastating effect” on software relying on timers and schedulers.

“The impact of a negative leap second has never been tested on a large scale; it could have a devastating effect on the software relying on timers or schedulers,” Meta said.

This is due in part to the fact that time moving forward is seen as a constant in most technological systems.

If the internal clocks of these IT systems ever have to be adjusted backwards to account for an abnormally fast rotation of the Earth, widespread disruptions and massive outages are to be expected.

Time and Date suggests that the diminishing length of the shortest days may be related to Earth’s “inner or outer layers, oceans, tides, or even temperature,” although experts aren’t sure.

Leonid Zotov, Christian Bizouard, and Nikolay Sidorenkov will argue at the upcoming annual meeting of the Asia Oceania Geosciences Society this week that the Earth’s rotation speeding up may be related to the ‘Chandler wobble,’ the term given to the small and irregular movement of the geographical poles across the surface of the globe.

Experts say the ‘Chandler Wobble’ – a change in the spin of the Earth on its axis – may be to blame.

“The normal amplitude of the Chandler wobble is about three to four meters at Earth’s surface,” Zotov told Time and Date, adding: “But from 2017 to 2020 it disappeared.” 

The International Earth Rotation Service in Paris, which tracks the planet’s rotation, will notify governments six months in advance if and when leap seconds must be added or removed.

As for whether or not the Earth will keep spinning faster and faster as the days continue to get shorter, nobody knows

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/01/2022 – 23:00

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Home Price Growth Suffers Largest Monthly Decline Since 1970s Tue, 02 Aug 2022 02:48:56 +0000 Home Price Growth Suffers Largest Monthly Decline Since 1970s We recently warned there were emerging signs the housing market had peaked. More evidence has been published today...]]>

Home Price Growth Suffers Largest Monthly Decline Since 1970s

We recently warned there were emerging signs the housing market had peaked. More evidence has been published today that suggests June was likely the turning point following the most significant annual home price growth decline since before Paul Volcker became Fed Chair.

Black Knight, Inc.’s Data & Analytics division published its Mortgage Monitor Report showing June was “the greatest deceleration in home price growth on record.” 

Black Knight Data & Analytics President Ben Graboske said June was a record-breaking slowdown of nearly two percentage points from 19.3% to 17.3% annual home price growth and coincided with the largest single-month increase in homes listed for sale in 12 years.

“The pullback in home price growth in June marked the strongest single month of slowing on record dating back to at least the early 1970s,” said Graboske

For some context, two years before the housing crash of 2008, in 2006, the biggest single-month deceleration was 1.19 percentage points. The rapid slowdown in June comes as the Biden administration aims to crush the housing market (with the help of the Fed’s rate hikes) to lower inflation. They’ve already managed to trigger a technical recession

The slowdown was nationwide and across all top 50 markets, with some areas slowing father than others. A quarter of US markets saw growth slow by three percentage points in June, with four decelerating by four or more points in that month alone. Slowing could be accelerated as it takes about five months for interest rate shocks to be reflected in home price indexes. 

A sudden drop in home price growth in June is no surprise, as we warned back in March that housing affordability, measured by Goldman Sachs, has deteriorated to its worst level on record. 

We also pointed out last month a housing crash was imminent as “Mortgage Rates Explode Price Cuts Soar And Buyer Demand Collapses.” 

Black Knight’s Graboske continued: “We’re also seeing significant shifts in the demand-supply equation, though that too has quite a way to go before normalization.” 

The report finds the average San Jose home value has plunged 5.1% (-$75K) in the last two months, marking the largest decline from highs among any metro area in the country. Seattle had the second largest drop of 3.8% over the same period of $30k. San Francisco (-2.8%, -$35K), San Diego (-2%, -$19.5K) and Denver (-1.4%, -$8.7K) round out the top five.

For people who panic-bought homes at record highs over the last two years, a further pullback in price growth is expected through the year’s second half. A slowing housing market could leave many underwater when prices start gapping lower. 

Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/01/2022 – 22:00

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Barclays Faces Billion-Dollar Loss From Structured Note ‘Paperwork Error’ Tue, 02 Aug 2022 00:46:28 +0000 Barclays Faces Billion-Dollar Loss From Structured Note ‘Paperwork Error’ In March, we reported Barclays shocked many market participants when it suspended, until further notice, any...]]>

Barclays Faces Billion-Dollar Loss From Structured Note ‘Paperwork Error’

In March, we reported Barclays shocked many market participants when it suspended, until further notice, any further sales from inventory and any further issuances of a number of ETNs (including VXX and OIL).

According to a press release at the time, the suspension was because “Barclays does not currently have sufficient issuance capacity to support further sales from inventory and any further issuances of the ETNs.”

At the time, details were scarce and opaque with Barclays expecting a loss of approximately $600 million from the ‘error’ which was called “basic”, “bizarre” and “embarrassing” by analysts at the time.

Now, according to a new filing today, we get considerably more color on what exactly prompted this ‘paperwork error’ and how high the losses have already reached.

What did Barclays do wrong?

In August 2019, the SEC declared effective the 2019 F-3 of Barclays Bank which sought to cover the offer and sale of up to $20.76 billion of securities (in maximum aggregate offering price) registered thereunder.

The Subject Securities offered and sold by Barclays Bank during the Relevant Period, which comprised structured notes (“Structured Notes”) and ETNs, exceeded the maximum aggregate amount that Barclays Bank could offer from the 2019 F-3 by approximately $16.37 billion. In addition, Barclays Bank also offered and sold during the Relevant Period Subject Securities in the amount of approximately $1.27 billion that were issued under the 2018 F-3 in excess of the capacity remaining thereunder.

As such, certain offers and sales of Subject Securities were not made in full compliance with the Securities Act, giving rise to rights of rescission for certain purchasers of such securities.

The Issuer has therefore elected to make this Rescission Offer.

Translation – Barclays sold more securities than they were allowed and are now paying the price.

As a reminder, a rescission offer is an offer to rescind a securities transaction in which a securities law violation occurred or may have occurred.

The rescission offer is simple-ish – Barclays will buy back the securities from the investors at the initial purchase price (plus some interest).

There are over 3,000 structured notes on the list that are being offered rescission and 11 ETNs…

Given the market’s massive swings over the past couple of years, this rescission decision has meant surging losses for Barclays and that a number of investors have been rescued from terrible trades.

For some investors, this is a massive windfall.

Bloomberg highlights one security – a $1.8 million note tied to Peleton – which trades at an indicate price of just 7.9c on the dollar (after PTON’s share price collapse), but which Barclays will be forced to buy back at 102.06c on the dollar for those initial investors.

That’s an approximate 1200% gain for any investors who accept the rescission offer.

Finally, as Bloomberg reports, net losses from the error so far have reached £751 million ($914 million), Barclays said in its second-quarter results last week. The bank delayed a billion-pound share buyback, suspended the sales and issuance of dozens of exchange-traded notes and halted market-making activities in its own debt securities due to the error.


Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/01/2022 – 20:00

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Austin Fitts: “We’re At War With The Deep State Globalists” Mon, 01 Aug 2022 23:45:53 +0000 Austin Fitts: “We’re At War With The Deep State Globalists” Via Greg Hunter’s, Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of...]]>

Austin Fitts: “We’re At War With The Deep State Globalists”

Via Greg Hunter’s,

Catherine Austin Fitts (CAF), Publisher of The Solari Report and former Assistant Secretary of Housing (Bush 41 Admin.), says we are at war with the Deep State globalists that want nothing short of total control over all of mankind.  

Central bankers want a financial system that is a lawless criminal control syndicate where it’s legal for them to do whatever they want.  It is simply a choice between tyranny and sovereignty, freedom or slavery.  

We start with the foundational building block of tyranny, the Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) that global bankers want to install in the financial system.  CAF says, “It’s not a currency…”

”  That’s what you need to understand.  What we are talking about is a control system that is going to be implemented in a global coup d’état, and we are in the middle of a global coup d’état. 

That’s what is happening right now. 

Essentially, if you look at the central bankers, the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) and all the central bankers are trying to create a system where they are completely free of the laws of nation states and governments.  In other words, they are inserting sovereign immunity from all laws and literally trying to create a civilization under the law where they are free to do whatever they want, including, as we know—genocide.”

CAF says to fight back against CBDC is to use cash. 

Fitts says, “If you go to, you will see something that says, “Cash Every Day.”  Click the big red cap that says, “Make Cash Great Again.”  If you click on that, you will get three videos.  There are two videos I really want your audience to watch.  One is a 56 second video of the BIS general manger Augustin Carstens in October 2020 explaining with CBDC they will have central control and enforce them centrally.  It’s the only time in my life that I saw a central banker be 100% honest.  The second video says “Financial Rebellion,” click it and you’ll get three minutes of a presentation by Richard Werner.  He is certainly the top scholar in the world on central banking. . . .  Richard explains that one of the top central bankers in Europe told him they are planning on chipping all of us.”

CAF says central bankers will ignore the U.S. Constitution, steal all of our assets like cash and gold but especially the land. 

CAF contends they won’t be able to do this unless they take our guns and extinguish the Second Amendment.  CAF also talks about what she thinks will happen after the first of this year when it comes to inflation or deflation.

CAF says, “We are at war and we need a war strategy. . . . The ‘Great Reset’ will turn into the ‘Great Resist.”

CAF contends the good news is people are waking up and this evil criminal system can be stopped.  CAF says,

“Saint Paul said in Timothy, ‘Just stand and watch the divine go to work.’  They can’t do this.  Did you see what just happened in Ireland?  They tried to go all digital, and they had so many people cancel their accounts, they had to walk it back

One thing the Bible makes clear is it will at times look hopeless, but it won’t be.  That’s why you have to stand.”

There is much more in the 1 hour and 10 min. interview.

Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with the Publisher of The Solari Report, Catherine Austin Fitts. (7.30.22)

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Tyler Durden
Mon, 08/01/2022 – 18:20

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