Slovakia Delivered MiG-29s to Ukraine in Operation Overseen by Pentagon
The Pentagon announced Tuesday Ukraine’s military had received additional aircraft as well as parts for repairs to get damaged aircraft flying again. Pentagon spokesman John Kirby did…
“A historic sham”: Zelensky’s speech to Greece’s parliament sparks national outrage, opens WWII-era wounds
By inviting an Azov fighter to address Greece’s parliament, Zelensky opened the country’s historic wounds and triggered angry demonstrations that have shaken its pro-US government.
Peter Schiff: The Risk Of A Market Crash Keeps Growing
Peter Schiff: The Risk Of A Market Crash Keeps Growing Via, Bonds continue to get hammered. On Tuesday morning, the yield on the 10-year Treasury…
Wall Street’s ‘Commodity Trading’ Risk Soars, Confirms ‘Volatility Trap’ Doom-Loop Under Way
Wall Street’s ‘Commodity Trading’ Risk Soars, Confirms ‘Volatility Trap’ Doom-Loop Under Way Two weeks ago, reflecting on the consequences of the West’s response to Russia’s…
Beige Book Finds Economy Growing At “Moderate Pace”; Spots First Instances Of Demand Destruction, Slowing Wage Growth
Beige Book Finds Economy Growing At “Moderate Pace”; Spots First Instances Of Demand Destruction, Slowing Wage Growth With the Fed now telegraphing to markets that…
Florida Senate Passes Bill Dissolving Disney’s Special District
Florida Senate Passes Bill Dissolving Disney’s Special District As Florida and its increasingly popular Governor Ron DeSantis (now a front-runner, along with President Trump, to…
“We Hope You Enjoyed Your Ride Through Fantasy-Land, Now Watch Your Step As You Exit…”
“We Hope You Enjoyed Your Ride Through Fantasy-Land, Now Watch Your Step As You Exit…” Authored by Charles Hugh Smith via OfTwoMinds blog, What’s Your…
Blockbuster 20Y Auction: Record Bid To Cover, Record Indirects; Record Stop Through
Blockbuster 20Y Auction: Record Bid To Cover, Record Indirects; Record Stop Through With yields tumbling all day after the 10Y seemingly peaked just south of…
Fast-Moving Arizona Wildfire Near College Town Doubles In Size In 24-Hours
Fast-Moving Arizona Wildfire Near College Town Doubles In Size In 24-Hours A fast-moving wildfire exploded in size overnight into Wednesday, burning north of Flagstaff, Arizona,…
Tesla’s Autopilot Is Suddenly Under Intense Regulatory Scrutiny, Media Attack
Tesla’s Autopilot Is Suddenly Under Intense Regulatory Scrutiny, Media Attack The long trial of accidents and deaths that Tesla’s Autopilot appears to be leaving behind…
The American Dream Is Dead: For The First Time, Less Than Half Of Americans Believe They’ll Ever Own A Home
The American Dream Is Dead: For The First Time, Less Than Half Of Americans Believe They’ll Ever Own A Home By Michael Every of Rabobank…
US Says ‘No Major Territorial Gains’ By Russians In Donbas So Far
US Says ‘No Major Territorial Gains’ By Russians In Donbas So Far US defense officials told CNN on Wednesday that Russia has made no significant…
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