Category: FINANCE
Hezbollah Threatens Israel With War Over Disputed Gas Field
Hezbollah Threatens Israel With War Over Disputed Gas Field Authored by Charles Kennedy via, Lebanon’s armed Hezbollah group threatened Israel that drilling at the…
Denmark Has The Best ‘Digital Quality Of Life’ In The World, Ethiopia Not So Much
Denmark Has The Best ‘Digital Quality Of Life’ In The World, Ethiopia Not So Much According to VPN provider Surfshark, Denmark has the best digital…
How Beer Drinking Habits Have Changed Since COVID
How Beer Drinking Habits Have Changed Since COVID More people are opting to drink beer at home than they did before the pandemic, according to Statista’s…
Far More Men Than Women Drown In The UK
Far More Men Than Women Drown In The UK The UK’s recent heat wave saw a rise in the number of people drowning in lakes, canals,…
Russia’s New Naval Doctrine Identifies US As Main Threat
Russia’s New Naval Doctrine Identifies US As Main Threat Authored by Dave DeCamp via, Russian President Vladimir Putin on Sunday signed a new naval doctrine…
Europe Has Lost The Energy War
Europe Has Lost The Energy War Authored by Thomas Fazi via, After a decade of financial austerity, is Europe now on the brink of…
“Miserable” German Retail Sales Crash The Most On Record As Europe Slumps Into Recession
“Miserable” German Retail Sales Crash The Most On Record As Europe Slumps Into Recession While it is now largely consensus that Europe is sliding into…
Scientists Say Loch Ness Monster Might Actually Be Real After New Fossil Discovery
Scientists Say Loch Ness Monster Might Actually Be Real After New Fossil Discovery Authored by Elijah Cohen via, According to scientists, the hypothesis that a…
China New Home Sales Crater 40% As Mortgage Revolt Spreads
China New Home Sales Crater 40% As Mortgage Revolt Spreads With just 12 hours to go until Nancy Pelosi is reportedly scheduled to land in…
Cold War Lessons For US-China Today
Cold War Lessons For US-China Today By Jordan Schneider and Irene Zhang of ChinaTalk How did the Cold War affect US diplomacy and its actions…
Home Price Growth Suffers Largest Monthly Decline Since 1970s
Home Price Growth Suffers Largest Monthly Decline Since 1970s We recently warned there were emerging signs the housing market had peaked. More evidence has been published today…
Weak Manufacturing Surveys Signal ‘Peak Inflation’; Plunge in Orders, Production, & Jobs
Weak Manufacturing Surveys Signal ‘Peak Inflation’; Plunge in Orders, Production, & Jobs With broad weakness in ‘hard’ economic data and ‘soft’ survey data coming fast…
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