Elon Musk Defends Russell Brand, Says Groupthink Among Major Media Is “More Troubling”

Elon Musk Defends Russell Brand, Says Groupthink Among Major Media Is “More Troubling”

Last week, after British online newspaper The Independent published a scathing op-ed piece about comedian Russell Brand, Elon Musk took to Twitter to defend the standup comedian and offer his thoughts on the mainstream media.

The exchange started when The Independent took a swipe at Brand, who has been gaining popularity online, namely for avoiding groupthink while discussing current events and politics.

Responding to a Tweet that claimed Brand had turned into a conspiracy theorist, Musk responded: “With so many mainstream media companies saying [Brand] is crazy/dangerous, I watched some of his videos. Ironically, he seemed more balanced & insightful than those condemning him!”

After sticking up for Brand, Musk then turned his ire toward the mainstream media: “The groupthink among major media companies is more troubling. There should be more dissent” the Tesla CEO wrote. 

The Independent’s piece was titled “How did Russell Brand go from stand-up stardom to peddling YouTube conspiracy theories?” and it focused on the online resurgence of Brand, who has tackled topics like Covid and the Russian-Ukrainian war by daring to think for himself and now carrying the mainstream media’s narrative. 

“Brand has reinvented himself as an outspoken YouTube personality, amassing over 5 million followers,” the article read. “Maybe he truly wants to awaken his followers to the world’s ugly realities. Maybe he just likes the attention. Or maybe a sceptical viewer might watch one of his videos and question why he advertises his stand-up tour just seconds into the start of each clip.”

Tyler Durden
Sun, 03/20/2022 – 13:00

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