Crushed Scores And Crushed Skulls: Children Pay Grim Lockdown Price
The disturbing evidence against lockdowns piled even higher this week, with new studies on two continents showing that children not only suffered significant learning loss but sharply higher abuse at home too.
First, French researchers found abusive head trauma among infants in the Paris metro area doubled during the second year of the pandemic, reports MedPage Today. Worse yet, mortality rates among those abused infants soared nearly 10-fold, suggesting greater ferocity.
Interestingly, the stats held steady through the first year of the pandemic and its associated government lockdowns, only to erupt in 2021. The researchers hypothesize that the pattern reflects an “accumulation of psychosocial distress over time.”
They attribute that distress to lockdown measures that “deteriorated the psychosocial situation of adults, increased the periods where parents or guardians were at home for a prolonged time with their children, and reduced the intensity of prevention and early detection programs.”
Like other victims of maniacal Covidian coercion, Parisians were subjected to lengthy lockdowns, curfews and daycare closures, as public health officials gave no consideration to collateral effects of their policies.
“Economic loss and unemployment, mental disorders such as acute and post-traumatic stress disorders and depression or suicidal behaviors are known risk factors for [child abuse and neglect],” the Université Paris Cité researchers wrote.
Meanwhile, a new federal study found that both math and reading scores for 9-year-old Americans tumbled during the pandemic’s first two years.
“Reading scores saw their largest decrease in 30 years, while math scores had their first decrease in the history of the testing regimen behind the study,” reported the Associated Press.
“I was taken aback by the scope and the magnitude of the decline,” Peggy G. Carr, commissioner of the National Center for Education Statistics, told The New York Times.
Shutdown-happy public health officials and teachers unions tag-teamed to pummel black and brown kids hardest. White students’ math scores dropped 5 percentage points, but black scores tumbled 13 points and Hispanics shed 8 points. Asian and native American scores managed to hold steady.
The children damned by overreaching public health officials may never reach their pre-pandemic potential. “Student test scores, even starting in first, second and third grade, are really quite predictive of their success later in school, and their educational trajectories overall,” said Susanna Loeb, Brown University’s director of the Annenberg Institute.
Asked on Thursday about the steep toll that school shutdowns took on children, barrier-breaking White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre showed that black lesbians are fully capable of the mind-boggling dishonesty that’s required when serving as the Biden administration’s script-reading, identity-politics hood ornament.
Pretending that Democrats, teachers unions and liberal media weren’t the leading proponents of school closures, Jean-Pierre implied those closures were a product of pandemic mismanagement on the part of Donald Trump and the Republican Party:
Jean-Pierre blames Trump for schools being closed during Covid and says schools re-opening “was the work of Democrats in spite of Republicans”
— Washington Free Beacon (@FreeBeacon) September 1, 2022
Sadly, if our society can’t unite in acknowledging the intrinsic dangers of lockdowns, we’re at risk of being victimized by them again, with the ill effects falling heaviest on those with the smallest voices.
Tyler Durden
Fri, 09/02/2022 – 18:40