Democrats Look Like “A Bunch Of Thieves & Crooks” – Martin Armstrong Warns “This Is Now A War With The Deep State”
Via Greg Hunter’s,
Legendary financial and geopolitical cycle analyst Martin Armstrong is back with some important new predictions.
But first, long before the 2024 Election, Armstrong’s Socrates computer correctly predicted a Trump landslide. Armstrong also predicted the GOP would win the House and the Senate while the Lying Legacy Media (LLM) were telling us all how popular Kamala Harris was and how she would take it all in 2024. Armstrong said Kamala’s real approval rating was around 10% (not 50%), and the Dems and the LLM knew it but lied anyway. Armstrong’s Socrates computer program also predicted Joe Biden would pardon his son Hunter, even though Biden, the Dems and the LLM repeatedly told us there would be no pardon of Hunter.
This is where it get’s interesting. Armstrong says, “You have to understand, it wasn’t for Hunter…”
“Yes, my computer (Socrates) was showing Biden would pardon Hunter, and it was basically showing the collapse in the rule of law, and this is what this is about now…
All the corruption started in 2014 in Ukraine…
By pardoning Hunter all the way back to 2014, it means he can be compelled to testify. How much money did you get out of Ukraine? Where did it go? Did it go to the Big Guy?
…Hunter can’t be prosecuted, so he can’t claim the 5th Amendment. He could be thrown in prison for contempt of court for refusing to testify.”
Armstrong was held in prison for a record seven years for contempt of court. Armstrong says the law says the sentence should only have lasted 18 months. Still, Hunter could be thrown in jail. Armstrong says Joe will pardon many more, such as those involved in the J-6 prosecutions like Liz Cheney or people like Anthony Fauci, overseer of the CV19 bioweapon vax. Armstrong says,
“The computer has been showing, and we published these reports at our November 2024 conference, that this is most likely the final nail in the coffin for the Democrat Party…
The pardons will have a real detrimental impact on the Democrat Party. It’s going to basically make the Democrat party look like a bunch of thieves and crooks… The Democrat Party is going extinct.”
When asked if we are still going to war with Russia, Armstrong said, “I hate to say this, but yes, and the (Socrates) computer is never wrong.”
Armstrong fears dirty tricks, such as a false flag in Europe, that could get it going and blame the Russians for something they did not do. They want to do this before Trump takes office.
Armstrong says he is still recommending a big food supply, gold and cash.
He is also predicting that government wants to do away with paper money and do all digital so they can track everything. Will this work? Armstrong says no, but they are going to try anyway.
Armstrong says even though Trump is looking good here before he’s sworn in, he’s going to have a tough four years. Armstrong says,
“What I have heard is that they are planning on a major protest for his inauguration. They want to make it so bad that he has to call out the National Guard, and then they will say, see, he’s a dictator. I am concerned. I do not see four years of bliss in the Trump Administration.
The computer says from 2026 on, it does not look good, particularly going into 2027 and 2028.
This may be our last election…This is a war now with the Deep State. They are not going to take this lightly…
They are going to try to obstruct Trump anyway they can…
You are taking the trough away from all the pigs, and they are not going to have anything to eat. They are going to fight for their very lives.”
There is much more in the 1-hour and 9-minute interview.”
Join Greg Hunter of as he goes One-on-One with Martin Armstrong where he gives his analysis on Trump winning and Biden pardoning everyone for 12.7.24.
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Tyler Durden
Sun, 12/08/2024 – 18:40
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