Jon Stewart Refuses To Admit That Woke Politics Broke The Democratic Party

Jon Stewart Refuses To Admit That Woke Politics Broke The Democratic Party

Despite the total collapse of progressive Hollywood or the total collapse of the Democratic Party, the political left is loathe to admit that woke ideology has absolutely destroyed their connection with the general public.  Why?  Because “woke” was meant to become the new religion of the ages.  Without woke, they have nothing.

Woke ideology is a progressive doctrine designed to sabotage western principles, morality and heritage.  But it’s also a system of “faith” that revolves around self worship and perpetual victimhood.  Leftists understand that their movements lack a spiritual imperative – A connection to something greater that inspires people to stay the course.  Pure atheism is not very inspiring, so woke became the cult of the new order.  The problem is, wokeness has failed and now leftists don’t know what to do.

With the embarrassing defeat of Kamala Harris in the 2024 election questions are arising even among some Democrats, wondering if woke cultism was a mistake that cost them the presidency.  The progressive devout, however, are screaming “No!”  They’re scrambling to come up with any other excuse and their mental gymnastics are a sad display.

One such denial came from The Daily Show’s Jon Stewart this week.  Stewart often tries to wear the costume of a moderate Democrat or a middle-of-the-road, old school liberal.  He can’t quite pull off the facade and his true face comes out in moments of panic.  In an attempt to explain away Donald Trump’s total election dominance, Stewart outright denies that wokeness had anything to do with the Democrat defeat.

Jon Stewart’s constant mugging for the camera and for laughs betrays a certain desperation.  He doesn’t really have an answer for why leftists are so widely despised by the general public.  But, he claims it can’t be wokeness because so many Democrat candidates ran on the side of conservative policies. 

What he dishonestly fails to mention is that most of the candidates featured in his segment were Democrats running for office in deep red states.  They had no choice but to pretend to be anti-woke for the past four months because their own internal polling told them they had no chance to win otherwise.       

But what about for the past several years?  Well, Stewart conveniently ignores the fact that Democrats joyfully embraced wokeness with the establishment of the Biden Administration.  This is undeniable.  Joe Biden and Kamala Harris initially ran on a brazenly woke platform.  Harris openly demanded that the country become “more woke” in opposition to the first Trump Administration.


Every policy of the Biden/Harris regime centered on promoting identity politics.  The Democrat Party’s foundation for at least the past eight years has been rooted in radical feminism, DEI, ESG and trans propaganda.  So much so that Biden made a “trans woman”, Rachael Levine (originally Richard Levine), the Assistant Secretary of Health.  Levine has consistently promoted gender reassignment treatments for children. 

Jon Stewart defended the transing of children and “experts” like Levine in a debate with Arkansas Attorney General Leslie Rutledge.  Take note that his claims of a widely accepted consensus on gender reassignment among scientists, psychiatrists and medical experts is completely fabricated.  There is no such consensus:

Biden also made a “non-binary” drag queen, Sam Brinton, a top Energy Department official.  (Brinton was later caught stealing women’s luggage at airports and removed from his position).  

This is the kind of circus you get when your government goes woke.  Democrat leaders avidly sung the praises of Critical Race Theory being taught in public schools, along with radical gender theory propaganda (which has no basis in legitimate science).  They injected the same concepts into the upper echelons of the US military.  They also attacked anyone critical of men identifying as trans who participated in women’s sports, and asserted that these same men should be allowed access to women’s bathrooms and locker rooms. 

Third wave feminist delusions that men and women are biologically equal infected Democrat rhetoric.  DEI requirements spread like wildfire in progressive run colleges, corporations and government offices.  Democrats supported it all, thinking in their delusion that the rest of America stood with them.

This is why Jon Stewart’s dismissals of woke failure ring hollow.  For many years woke has been the sole foundation of the Democratic Party; remove identity politics, third wave feminism, CRT and trans theories and what do the Democrats have left?  There is nothing left.

Analysts are beginning to speak out on the Democrat’s ill conceived adoption of the far-left activism and many are suggesting the ideology has made it impossible for the party to win elections in the future.  

The bottom line is this:  “Get Woke, Go Broke” is forever.  It is a law of physics.  It is immutable.  High profile leftists like Stewart will never admit this because they are embedded deeply within the halls of the progressive aristocracy.  To admit to the death of woke is to be cast out of elitist society as a heretic.  Beyond that, Stewart’s ego can’t handle the truth – His ilk have been utterly rejected by the majority of Americans.  They’re on the wrong side of history.  They are the villains.    

Tyler Durden
Thu, 11/14/2024 – 11:40

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