10 Big Losers That Weren’t On The Ballot

10 Big Losers That Weren’t On The Ballot

Authored by Joe Strader via AmericanThinker.com,

Yes, the Democrats lost, but it was much bigger than that.

There are other important losses that will impact future elections.

1. Lawfare proved impotent in taking out a candidate.

In fact, every new iteration of lawfare dug the losing hole deeper. All of the accusations, show trials, and prosecutorial misconduct were for naught. For the cases that remain open, the next 75 days will be interesting.

2. Name-calling lost.

Almost every political slur possible was thrown at now-President-elect Trump, and none of them stuck. Name-calling only works if true.

3. Celebrity endorsements lost.

Influencers did not influence.

4. Basement campaigns lost.

It has been shown that avoiding the media and hiding from interviews and public appearances is not a winning strategy.

5. Ballot manipulation and voting irregularities lost.

We now know that with the right candidate and message, we can outvote cheating. That is huge. Large numbers of conservatives voted early and stymied the Democrat’s ability to plan how many late votes were needed.

6. The fear of battling voting irregularities in real time lost.

We learned that a massive team of lawyers working as the problems occur before voting is over can prevent or turn back many of the techniques used to suppress voters or enhance the counting of ineligible votes.

7. Bypassing the electoral process lost.

Kicking a weak candidate to the curb while selecting a replacement without a single vote from anyone except insiders has been shown to be a failure.

8. Threats of violence lost.

Both the threats of showing support for the wrong candidate and the threat of burning cities if people chose the wrong candidate did not work and may have helped the eventual winner. Attempted assassinations only emboldened the winning candidate and his supporters.

9. Lies lost.

The economy is not great. The border is not secure. Crime is not down. January 6 was not an insurrection. President Trump will not be a dictator, nor will he put his opposition in jail. There is not enough room here for all of the lies.

10. Two tiers of justice lost.

Excusing lawlessness by Democrats and while having a politicized Department of Justice maliciously prosecute Republicans was not enough to swing the election.

There are at least two more battles that still must be fought. As the Democrats wrongly promised about vote counting, we will not know for a while how these battles will play out.

11. The Administrative State must lose.

The government of regulation by unelected bureaucrats working against an elected Executive Branch has been damaged. This job needs to be finished.

12. The open border policies must lose.

We need more than just closing the border. Removing the millions that have been allowed in with one goal—manipulating future elections—will be difficult but possible. It is certainly necessary.

Those are just the ones that came to me today, a really good day.

Tyler Durden
Thu, 11/07/2024 – 15:25

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