Beware of the Bug People! Mysterious Encounters with Insect-Like Humanoids

Among all the bizarre encounters in the paranormal world with inexplicable aliens and entities, there seems to be quite an array of different shapes and sizes, ranging from the alien “Greys” to Lizard People, to everything in between. Yet some are even more bizarre than others, involving what appear to be bug people or insect men. (Hi Brent. Just a reminder. We’ve found that people respond to “oids.” People like “oids,” so from here on out let’s call them “Bugoids” or something like that. Thanks.- the MU Editing Team) So as I was saying, there have been a lot of encounters with what are typically described as Bug People, excuse me, “Insectoids,” and here we will look at a selection of truly strange such cases from all over the world. 

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