The Shocking Decline in Human Cranial Capacity: How do Evolutionists Explain it? They Don’t!

One of the stories that most of us have grown up hearing is that the human species is continuously evolving to higher levels of intellect, through a gradual process of evolution by natural selection. It has been drilled into us that the modern human species i.e. Homo sapiens, has evolved over millions of years from ape-like ancestors. The fundamental physical factor that drove the process of evolution was the increase in brain volume or cranial capacity, which, over time, led to a slew of innovations such as fire, tools, weapons, clothes, boats, shelter, burials, rock art, music, language, etc. The cranial capacity is regarded as the most important indicator of IQ, since many studies using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) of the brain in individuals who were tested for IQ, found significant correlations between the size of cerebral structures and measures of intelligence. 

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