Judge Tosses Lawsuit By Hitler-Praising, TDS-Stricken Fired Yale Psychiatrist

Judge Tosses Lawsuit By Hitler-Praising, TDS-Stricken Fired Yale Psychiatrist

A far-left psychiatry professor who sued Yale for firing her over unhinged comments she made against then-President Donald Trump, just had her lawsuit tossed by a federal judge, according to the Hartford Courant.

Lee argued that Yale fired her in response to a January 2020 tweet that characterized “just about all” Trump supporters as suffering from “shared psychosis,” and that Trump lawyer Alan Dershowitz had “wholly taken on Trump’s symptoms by contagion.”

She also tweeted that Trump was “worse than Hitler,” and then when challenged, stuck her other foot in her mouth – tweeting “Donald Trump is not an Adolf Hitler. At least Hitler improved the daily life of his followers, had discipline, and required more than himself to gain the respect of his followers.

Just incredible stuff here…my god. pic.twitter.com/Hq2QcMiuzN

— Yashar Ali 🐘 (@yashar) November 2, 2020

Lee, herself clearly suffering from Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS), used her Yale credentials to author a book, conduct interviews, and form a group – the “Independent Expert Panel for Presidential Fitness” – all aimed at taking down Trump over what they said was a lack of mental fitness.

Crickets over Biden’s obvious dementia, by the way.

Lee came under scrutiny from colleagues and leaders at Yale, as The Western Journal‘s Jared Harris notes.

Dr. John Krystal, chair of the university’s psychiatry department, blasted the political activity happening under the guise of professional conduct.

I want to emphasize that you did not make these statements as a layperson offering a political judgment,” Krystal wrote in a 2020 letter to Lee. “You made them explicitly in your professional capacity as a psychiatrist and on the basis of your psychiatric knowledge and judgment.

“For that reason,” he continued, “the committee decided it was appropriate to consider how these statements reflected your ability to teach trainees.

One major factor in Krystal’s reaction to Lee’s political action is likely the “Goldwater Rule,” a professional standard from the American Psychiatric Association that warns against diagnosing someone without an evaluation.

While it seems like an obvious step in diagnosis, Lee, who is not a member of the APA, argued that the danger from Trump outweighed the need for clinical evidence.

Citing a supposed “duty to warn” the public about Trump’s mental state, Lee filed a lawsuit arguing that her own unhinged assault against the president wasn’t partisan slander but a professional obligation.

Tyler Durden
Sun, 09/04/2022 – 22:00

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